Book Submission
"I love this book. I really love this book..."
—Dorothy H. Finley, author, Just Plain Dorothy
If You Would Like Holbrook Street Press To Offer Your Book On This Website...
Holbrook Street Press does not only sell books that it has published, but also books published by other publishers. As long as their books support our mission, we will consider offering them in a paper format and promoting them along with our other books. We will dedicate website pages to their books, authors, testimonials and relevant articles written by the authors.
Our mission: We are looking for well-written, gripping, inspirational and comforting books about overcoming life's obstacles, hardships, conflicts, adversity or psychological trauma, and offering sources for healing and recovery.
The book categories we are primarily interested in include Memoir, Life Story,
Autobiography, Biography, Family History, Self-help, Psychology, History, and
Current Affairs. However, we will consider other genres as well as fiction if they
achieve or reach for the goal of
healing the heart and soul.
Holbrook Street Press endeavors to provide uplifting stories of overcoming life's
and tries to show that people are capable of changing their lives for
their own good and for the good of others.
There is no charge for selling your books on this site or for preparing promotional web pages. There are 3 possible ways that we would sell your book. 1) Outright Purchase. On occasion, we would purchase a number of your books outright, with a reasonable discount off the cover price of your book. 2) On Consignment, meaning that you would provide us with a few of your books, and as we sell them and receive payment, we would pay you. 3) You Ship. After we receive payment from the buyer, we contact you to ship the book to them and then pay you. If you are interested in selling your books through Holbrook Street Press, please
contact Allen Kates by clicking here.
Please do not send unsolicited books for review until you have had a chance
to discuss your book's theme and focus with Allen and have provided a sample.
Please note that it is not possible for us to accept every book that is sent to us for review. If we do not accept your book at this time, that does not mean anything is wrong with it. Our objective is to promote a small number of exceptional books and to stock some of them. If we cannot take on your book right now, we may ask you to provide it at a later date.
Holbrook Street Press
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